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Bicarbonate Soda Blast Media

Maximizing media longevity and value

Abrasive blast media,Alumina Oxide,Crushed Glass,Glass Beads,Plastic Beads,Steel Shot,Walnut Shell,Bicarbonate of Soda,sand blasting,metal finishing,surface preparation,metal cleaning,blast hoods,blast helmets,blast nozzles,blast guns,
Blast cabinet part,blast cabinet parts,blast cabinet nozzles,blast cabinet guns,blast cabinet windows,blast cabinet gloves,blast cabinet glove,blast cabinet deadman switch,blast cabinet helmets,blast-cabinet nozzle,blast-cabinet media,blast-cabinet parts
nozzle,papr respirator,blast nozzle,boron nozzle,carbide nozzle,Blast Suits,Blast Gloves,CO Monitor,CO Alarm,In-Line Particulate Filter,In-Line Coalescing Filter,Respirator,air ventilated helmet,HEPA Filter,Blast Light,Blast Hose
Sandblasting,shot peening,St. Louis Abrasive Blast,Aerolyte,Clemco,zero blast cabinets,Airbrasive,Trinco,BNP Cabinet,Blast Room,micro-abrasive blast,bead blaster,shot peening,blast pot,
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Sabre blast,Alpha1 robot,Automated Air Blast Systems,automated blast systems,robotic blast nozzle,indexing-turntable,programmable indexing turntable,automated oscillating blast guns,robotic arms blast nozzles,rotary blast heads,batch turntable blast,automated shot Peening Systems
Air Compressor
Air Compressor Service,Air Compressor Repair,Desiccant Dryer Repair,Refrigeration Dryer Repair,Air Dryer Repair,Emergency Compressor Service,
Abrasive blast media,Aluminum Oxide,Crushed Glass,Glass Beads,Plastic Beads,Steel Shot,soda blasting,Walnut blasting,walnut Shell,Bicarbonate of Soda,sand blasting,metal finishing,blast hoods,blast nozzles,blast guns,
Aerolyte Systems,lightweight blast media,plastic blast,wheat starch blast media,baking soda blast media,dry strip blast,portable blast machines,closed-circuit blast systems,dry stripping,clemco industries,zero blast cabinets,aerolyte,industrial blast room
industrial blast facilities,blast rooms,clemco blast rooms,wheelabrator,marco blast room,sweep-in recovery system,belt conveyors,
atlas copco compressor,piston compressor,recip,reciprocating compressor,Industrial compressors,rotary screw compressors,

Soda Blasting

Bicarbonate of Soda Blast MediaSodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, is commonly used in heavy-duty cleaning and blasting applications to remove rust, paint, dirt and corrosion.  Offered in medium and large grit, bicarbonate of soda can be used in both wet and dry blasting applications, though enclosures or blast rooms may be needed in dry blasting to contain dust.
Baking soda abrasive is commonly used in soda blaster machines rather than traditional blast cabinets.

Bicarbonate of Soda

Sodium bicarbonate is affordable, environmentally safe and less aggressive than other media, and can be rinsed away easily with water.  It effectively cleans delicate, precision components, engine parts, processing and manufacturing equipment.

Other media choices include:
Aluminum Oxide
Glass Beads
Plastic Media
Steel Shot
Walnut Shells

To learn which media will most economically produce the optimal surface finish, please click below to request a call from one of our media specialists, and to arrange for a no charge MEDIA SAMPLE TEST of your needs.

HTE Abrasive Blast Solutions is dedicated to providing the resources Kansas, Missouri and Illinois manufacturers need to maximize the return on their abrasive investment.
For more information please contact Customer Service at 800-444-4831 or by email at